PUBLICATIONS - Valerie Yule 1952-2013

Part 1 incomplete

 Key publications,

 original thinking,

 unpublished books MSS.

 inventions and innovations,

 Over 400 books, chapters and articles. 

 DRAWINGS PUBLISHED.  See separate unfinished list


1967. with Dr . B. McCloskey. Meeting play and recreational needs in High-Density Housing Areas.  Victorian Family Council publication

1978,1979. (with Angela Ridsdale). The Magic Bag. Books 1 and 2.

     Sydney: Australian Broadcasting Commission.

1981.What's Primary School for, anyway? Melbourne: Primary Education

1981. What happens to children. An anthology of stories told by disadvantaged children. Sydney: Angus & Robertson.

1987. A Primary ABC for teachers and parents. Melbourne: Collins-Dove.

1988. Education for the Future.  Melbourne: Collins-Dove.

1989. Editor with Nicholas Albery. Encyclopaedia of Social Inventions. London: Institute for Social Inventions.  2nd edition 1990.

     1991 Italian translation: Antologia delle Invenzioni Sociali. Como: Red Edizion.

1991. Unpublishd doctoral thesis: Orthography and Reading: Spelling & Society

1992. Assistant editor.  The Book of Visions, editor Nicholas Albery. London: Virgin.

2005. The Book of Spells & Misspells. Sussex, UK: The Book Guild. 

2013 Writing systems and how they change. Qland: Bookpal


1966. Entries on Stuart Murray and Hugh McColl in the Australian Dictionary of Biography

1974. Marital conflict and the family. (with J. Krupinski) In The Australian family.  A. Stoller & J. Krupinski (Eds.) Sydney: Pergamon. 3 editions. 2nd edn 1978.

1982. Articles reprinted in Tune, N.W. (ed.) Spelling reform: A comprehensive survey. California: Spelling Progress Bulletin.  (The etymological argument, The implementation of spelling reform, Let us be practical about spelling reform, Spelling and Spelling reform, arguments pro and con, A transitional spelling reform.)

1983. The hidden curriculum in the content of children's reading books. In B. Gillham (Ed.) Reading through the curriculum. London: Heinemann Education.

1984. Literacy and children's needs in the television age.  In D. Dennis (Ed.)  Reading: meeting children's special needs. London: Heinemann Education.

1985. Children's imagination. In P.Leaper, F. Bishop and E. Anderson (Eds.) Festschrift for W. S. Rickards.  Melbourne: Royal Children's Hospital.

1987. Assessing children's silent reading. Educational  Research . .National Foundation for Educational Research, U. K. 29 .3. 192-196

1988. Review of  Dictionary of Simplified American Spelling by E. Rondthaler           and E. Lias,  in Journal of the Simplified Spelling Society. 2.3.32.

1988. Style in Australia. Review of the Style Council 1986. Journal of the Simplified Spelling Society.  3. 25-28.

1988. The importance of spelling for English culture.Journal of the Simplified Spelling Society.  2.2. 29-31.

1988 Orthography. In D. Unwin and R. McAleese (eds.)  The encyclopaedia of educational media communications and technology  2nd edition. New York: Greenwood Press.

1988. The cycle of violence in Northern Ireland and its impact on children. In E. J. Anthony & C. Chiland (Eds.) The child in his family  Vol. 8. Perilous development: Child raising and identity formation under stress.  New York: 1988. John Wiley & Sons

 1989. The Age Education Extra - May 15, 1989 Reasoning behind learning to read. And ‘Prin wth whch you print is crucisl’ (not my title),4342600

1990.  The design of spelling to meet abilities and needs of adult readers. In P. H. Peters  (ed.)  Frontiers of Style.  Dictionary Research Centre. Macquarie University.

1991 Antologia delle Invenzioni Sociali. Como, Italy: Red Edizion, 1991. Italian edition of the Encyclopaedia of Social Inventions. edited by Nicholas Albery and Valerie Yule. 

1992.   The Book of Visions. Ed. Nicholas Albery, assisted by V. Yule. London: Virgin, 

1995. The politics of spelling. In D. Myers (Ed.) Reinventing Literacy: the Multicultural Imperative. Brisbane.: Phaedrus Press.

1996. The politics of international English spelling. In The politics of cultural pluralism in Asia and the Pacific.  ed. David Myers and Nick Walker.  UNT Press

2000. Elwyn Morey, psychologist. Australian Dictionary of Biography


1952Korean Spring, (Manchester) Guardian

1953. Korean essays. Times Educational Supplement. 24.7.

1953. Korean boy. (illust).The World's Children. Save the Children Fund..

1953. Korean High-School boy. (Manchester) Guardian. August 16.

1953. Touring with a toddler. Family Doctor. May-June.

1955. The new colonial boy. (Manchester) Guardian. 4.5.

1955. Prosperity and the Australian working class.(Life on the boom) (Manchester) Guardian. December.

1956. The back yard boys. (Manchester) Guardian. October

1956. The hard core. (Manchester) Guardian. 26.10.

1957-60. Articles for Presbyterian Life

1958. Migrant wedding. (Manchester) Guardian.

1960. Play for centenary. Warrnambool PWMU

1961. The holy days. Intercollegian.February

1961. What does the hand that rocks the cradle really do? Crux.

1961. Series of articles on Australia for Nederlands Kerkewerk.

1961. Why auntie gets put in a home.Crux.

1964. Representative government. Nation. August.

1964. The moon men in our street. (story) The Teacher. July 28..

1965. The church in Cambridge. Presbyterian Life. March.(reprinted in Spectator) March.

1965. The 'Fish' scheme in Cambridge. Presbyterian Life. March.(reprinted in Spectator)

1965. Presenting problems of marriage counselling clients. Australian Journal of Social Issues. August. Reprinted by ANU 1976.August.

1966. British Dons can make it.  Nation. March.

1966. Meaning of Parenthood.  Joint Board of Christian Education.  June.

1966. Report on the aims of religious television. ABC Religious Advisory Committee and Australian Frontier. August.

 1966. Hugh McColl. Australian Dictionary of National Biography

1966. Stewart Murray. Australian Dictionary of National Biography

1967. A wife among the Presbyterians. Catholic Worker. March.

1967. (O.Zangwill, M.Brenner et al.) Visuo-motor disability in school children. British Medical Journal 4. 259-262.

1968. Human life and Christian living (on Humanae Vitae) Catholic Worker. August.

1968. (Two poems) Farrago

1969. Family Stages and Marital Problems.  M.A. Thesis, University of Melbourne.

1969. How to prevent an abortion. Catholic Worker. October

1969. Review of Toman's Family Constellation. Aust. J. Psychol. Dec.

1969.The social position of marriage counselling clients. Australian Journal of Social Issues. 5.1. 77-81.

1969. Church Aid for State Schools. Melbourne Age. October. (church schools should give a lead)

1970. (with J. Krupinski and E. Marshall). Patterns of marital problems in marriage counselling clients. Journal of Marriage and the Family. 32.1. 138-143.

1970. Voluntary marriage counsellors in an Australian State. Australian Journal of Social Issues. 145-9

1971. Children's Lib. Melbourne Age. 12.11.

1971.The clinical psychologist in a general hospital. A.N.Z. Journal of Psychiatry. December.

1973. Illiteracy- and a problem we refuse to face. Three articles in The Melbourne Age.  June 16, August 14, August 21.  Over 250 responses came in from the public 'spelling as you would like to spell' an Awful Spelling story about 'The Beautiful Princess'.  Possibly the first public experiment in spelling reform. These three pieces in 1973 were a world first for a newspaper, in publishing an experiment in ‘How would you like to spell?’, with over 250 respondents from age 5 to 80.  (Few were teachers, but many were engineers and scientists). It would be interesting to see what responses would be like today, with the popularity of text messaging.

1973. Review in Australian Journal of Psychology. September

1973. Dumpty Humpty Down Under. Humpty Dumpty Radical Psychology.(U.K.) 13.3.

1974. The implications of child development for religious education. Victorian Commission on Religious Education in Schools (the Russell Report).

1974. Braingames. Learning Exchange. Jan.

1974. My dream adventure playground. Grapevine. Vic. Ed. Physical Education Branch.

1975. Spelling reform. Learning Exchange. 1974

1975. The child who is failing. The Educational Magazine. 32.2.

1975. Dyslexia.  Spelling reform.  Two papers in The literate Australian. Council of Adult Education. July.23-25.

1975. Illustrations and test material. Torskript Spelling (Vic Paulsen,Ca.USA)

1975. Causes of illiteracy and recommendations for action. Spelling Progress Bulletin. xv. 4. 3-10.

1975 Frontal Lobe System Maturation Lag in Juvenile Delinquents shown in Narratives Test. Anneliese A. Pontius and Katherine F. Ruttiger. in Journal of Adolescence. An analysis of stories told to vy by adolescents.

1976. Spelling and spelling reform. Arguments pro and con. Spelling Progress Bulletin.  xv.3.4-5.

1976. Children's reading and writing. Learning Exchange.  June.

1976. Women, men and people. PWMU Chronicle.  70.7. 8-9.

1976. Work on the dole. Learning Exchange. April.

1977. Do I have to rear my child?  Melbourne Outreach. July.

1977.Material on spelling for Council of Adult Education.

1977. Three Go-On Shows. The miggrant who spelt licky an angle.

     Onky upon a Timmy

     A miggrant's traggerdie.  Access Radio 3ZZ 3CR.  reprinted in Spelling Action. (other articles for Spelling Action are in general not listed.)

1977. Review for Australian Journal of Mental Retardation. ? June.

1977. Submission in vol l of Report of the Royal Commission on Human Relationships.

1977. A child's garden of WISCS and WPPSIS. English in Australia. 42. 51-59.

1977. How to kill your prep-graders. Primary Education.  June.

1977. (Two articles about spelling) The Age. March 1, March 15.

1978. Chemicals on the Brain.(and poem) Outreach. March.

1978. Empty jobs and unemployment. Outreach.

1978. How to use your garbage.  Valley Voice .

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