Valerie Yule

1953. Korean essays. Times Educational Supplement. 24.7.

1965. Presenting problems of marriage counselling clients . Australian Journal of Social Issues. August. Reprinted by ANU 1976, August.

1966. Hugh McColl, water pioneer. Australian Dictionary of National Biography.

1966. Stewart Murray, water administrator. Australian Dictionary of National Biography

1973. Illiteracy- and a problem we refuse to face. Three articles in the Melbourne Age, June 16, August 14, August 21.   Over 250 responses came from the public, aged 5-80, 'spelling as you would like to spell' Possibly the first public experiment in spelling reform. It would be interesting to see what responses would be like today, with the popularity of text messaging.

1975. Frontal lobe system maturation lag in juvenile delinquents shown in narratives test. A A Pontius & K   F Ruttiger.  Journal of Adolescence. An analysis of stories told by adolescents about their free drawings to V Yule

1977. A child's garden of WISCS and WPPSIS. English in Australia. 42. 51-59. A study of changes in children's concepts, shown in intelligence test responses.

1978. The evidence for Chomsky's interpretation of English spelling. Spelling Progress Bulletin. xviii. 4.10-12 . Later updated.

1979. Party Names. British Psychological Bulletin, 32. 455-56.

1979- 1982. (Ed.with F. McBride.) Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on spelling, Northampton, U.K. Spelling Progress Bulletin. vol 19. Serial publication

1980. Etymological arguments for spelling reform. part 1. Spelling Progress Bulletin , xx. 4.4 and 1981. Etymological arguments for spelling reform. Part 2. Spelling Progress Bulletin xxi .3.7-9.
1981. Fowler's English Usage revisited Spelling Progress Bulletin . xxi. 4.4-7.
1982. Spelling as Technology.(Re-written as 'Shorter words make faster reading' -not necessarily true -with misleading graphs ) New Scientist . 9.12. 656-7.

1985. Parental behaviour in public. Published as 'Why are Parents tough on children ?'  New Society. 28 Sept. 1985. Representative Government . Political Psychology. 6.3. 519-524. How changes in candidate's names and titles in a series of British elections reflected changes in society.
1985. Violence and Imagination. New Society , 28 June, 72,  pp 467-70. Reprinted in Youth and Delinquency . Gower Press.
1985. The content of a children's intelligence test. Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry Newsletter. 7 20-22.1985.
1986. (with S. Greentree.) Readers' adaptation to spelling change. Human Learning. 5.229-241. Replication confirms direction, but not significantly.
1986. The design of spelling to match needs and abilities. Harvard Educational Review .   56.3.278-297.
1987. Assessing children's silent reading.   Educational   Research . U.K. N F E R. 29.3.192-196
1987. English spelling and Pidgin; examples of international English spelling. Journal of the Simplified Spelling Society . 3. 25-28, and 1988 English spelling and Pidgin. English Today, 4. 3. 29-35
1987. Writing on lines. Primary Education. 18.4
1988. I was a dyslexic bookworm. Success story 1. Australian Journal of Remedial Education . 20.2.3-5. . Success story 2. Australian Journal of Remedial Education . 20. 3. 22-25.
1988. The design of print for children. Reading   (UK) 22 (2), 97-105.
1989. Experimental versions of Cut Spelling, CS1 and CS2.   Journal of the Simplified Spelling Society . 3.2.30.
1989 Children's Dictionaries: Spelling and pronunciation. English Today . 17.1, 13-17.

1991 Orthography and reading: spelling and society. Doctoral thesis: Monash University

1991-2007 Spelling publications in the Simplified Spelling Society journals and bulletins.

1991. Indonenglish. English Today (7.2. p 42.)

1997 For whom the books are written. Viewpoint, on books for young adults 5.1. 34-35

1997 The message of the book. Viewpoint, 5.2.3-5

2000. Elwyn Morey, psychologist. Australian Dictionary of Biography

2001 The psychology of unhappy endings. Dhalwa Etant, Journal of the English Teachers Association of the Northern Territory. 1.20-31.

2001 How people spelled when they could spell as they liked. Journal of the Simplified Spelling Society . 29. 34-37

2005 Pronunciation Guides in Children's Dictionaries . A 2005 re-analysis. Paper to Australian Style conference, Melbourne. 16 October .