Protecting workers in failing businesses

The setting here is Australia, but it applies to workers in many countries today.

3000 Australian businesses fail annually and more are being pushed to fail by government policies regarding overseas takeovers and imports, and sheer inefficiency that could be remedied. The government is now setting a precedent for taxpayers contributing to compensate workers suffering when works close down. As more businesses fail this will become an intolerable burden, with less tax income to pay it.

Surely this mercy must be accompanied with strong actions to

  • Prevent Australian jobs being lost,
  • The country becoming incapable of self-sufficiency in any emergency,
  • Increase in foreign debt with increased imports,
  • Competition from imported products made by low-paid and oppressed workers,
  • Profitable companies being taken over against their will and closed down or jobs sent overseas.
  • Even legislation needs changing to help prevent these disasters

More unproductive jobs in guff areas are not a solution.

Many inflated business courses and expensive consultants do not in effect help businesses to become more competent in the basics, which are reliability, attention to product quality, prevention of waste, honesty, fairness to workers (PR is not enough) and openness to innovation.

Even retired successful businessmen could give any business a helpful report on a day's inspection, without charging the earth.

The unions and workers too should be pressing for changes to present policies so that Australian companies will not continue to close down, and even their machinery going overseas or to scrap.